7 Health Benefits of Water Clover

  Water clover

Water clover

Scientific Name: Marsilia minuta

Aquatic plant is an aquatic plant. It grows in water bodies and is used as a vegetable by people.


Medicinal value of Water Clover:


(1) Shushani Shaka works well in insomnia (Insomia). If you don't get sleepy, startled when you feel drowsy, and if your mind is burdened with unreal thoughts and your body is anxious, boil the leaves of Shushani in water and mix it with milk and eat it in the morning to get rid of the difficulties.

(2) Shushani shak works well in controlling blood pressure. 12-15 grams of leaves are crushed and strained in water, mixed with some sugar or candy and consumed as syrup.

Reduces high blood pressure. Sugar or candy should not be mixed with honeydew and heartburn.

(3) If there is irritation in the urine and some discharge along with it, the juice of Shushuni herb is beneficial.

(4) Shushani herb juice is helpful in intellectual growth. Consuming a small amount of Shushani shak juice regularly for three to four months increases intelligence. Mixing milk and sugar gives more benefits.

(5) Asthma is cured by eating sushni shak. There is no prevalence of cold, but if there is difficulty in breathing, taking 4-5 spoons of Shushani vegetable juice with a little heat will reduce the difficulty of breathing and sleep better at night.

(6) The juice of sushni plant with ginger cures cold and bronchitis.

(7) In the stings of bees, beetles, etc., the stinging pain is reduced by applying the juice or green leaves to the affected area.

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