6 Amazing Health Benefit of Coriander (Dhone)


Scientific name : Coriander sativum

Coriander (Dhone)

Coriander is an annual herbaceous plant. It is mainly cultivated as a spice crop. Nowadays coriander leaves are widely used in curries. Its chutney is very tasty.

100 grams of edible parts of coriander seeds contain 21.6 grams of carbohydrates, 14.1 grams of protein, 16.1 grams of fat, 4.4 grams of minerals, 32.6 grams of dietary fiber and 11.2 grams of water. Besides, the seeds contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin-B-1, vitamin-B-2 and vitamin-B-5. Calorie value is 44.

Medicinal value or Properties of Coriander:

(1) Coriander juice (2 spoons) mixed with milk acts as a cure for some diseases. Namely:

(1) Indigestion.

(2) Nausea.

(3) Dysentery.

(4) Typhoid fever.

(5) Ulcerative colitis.

(2) Drinking water soaked in coriander reduces blood cholesterol as it is diuretic (Diabetes) and stimulates kidney.

(3) Coriander is very effective in stopping excessive bleeding during menstruation. In this case, six grams of coriander seeds should be boiled in half a liter of water and half the amount of water should be taken down and a little sugar should be mixed in it and it should be eaten while it is still hot. Using it for 3-4 days will relieve the disease.

(4) Dry seed extract works well in eye diseases. It reduces eye irritation, pain and swelling.

(5) Mixing a pinch of turmeric powder in the juice of coriander leaves cures pimples, dry skin and warts. Clean the face with soap and apply it at night before going to bed.

(6) One or two banana seeds mixed with a spoonful of coriander juice and eaten once daily for a week acts as an antidote to spring fever. Applying coriander juice to the eyes of spring patients prevents eye damage.


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