celery health benefit

 Celery health benefit

  Celery (Celery):

Scientific Name: Apium graveslens

Celery is a leafy vegetable. It grows as an annual in the plains and as a biennial in the hilly areas. Leaf circles are used in salads, fried and roasted is used as The seeds are used as a spice. Celery is carminative, laxative, diuretic, tonic, aphrodisiac and sedative.
celery health benefit

Medicinal value of Celery:

(1) By eating celery regularly, the immune system of some diseases is developed. Namely:

(1) Arthritis: Leaf and stem juice is used in this disease.

(2) Rheumatism and Gout: These diseases are relieved by using the juice of leaves and stems. But the seed extract is very effective in this disease.

(3) Blood disorder: Using celery juice and carrot juice together prevents blood disorders (such as anemia, leukoplakia, hemorrhage, etc.).

(4) Respiratory disorder: By eating leaves, respiratory problems such as asthma, respiratory tract inflammatory disorders, tuberculosis, asthma etc. are eliminated. Its seeds also work well in this disease.

(5) Indigestion: Celery seeds work well in this disease. Take a teaspoon of seeds in milk and soak them for 5-6 hours and then grind them and mix them with milk.

(6) Kidney and Gall stone: Celery works well in the treatment of all these diseases. Regular use may not lead to stone formation.

(7) Insomnia: Eating celery juice with honey at night improves sleep.
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