Muktajhuri plant

Muktajhuri plant 

Introduction :

This tree is   found in large numbers in different parts of Bangladesh . The tree is not more than  two or four  feet tall.  The leaves are rounded . In  some places it is called " cat sneezing" or " cat cry" In the rainy season , the leaves are collected only when  the tree is  young . 

 Different Names :

Sanskrit  -   Arikta   , Manjari 

 Bengali    -  Muktajhuri  , Muktavarshi 

 Hindi   --    Kupi 

Gujarati   - Vanelic Candy 

 English -- Indian  Acaliphy 

Latin     - Acaliphy  Incica 

Medical use of  Indian  Acaliphy

Quality and Action :

It works well  in laxative cough , flatulence , cough , fever etc . If  you drink its  juice , phlegm  comes out . Ths is Allophathy , Homoeophathy . It is  being used with a good  reputation in Unani etc.  .It can be called Indian  Supository . All parts   of the body  work , but the upper part of the body  works more . 


 Ayurvedic doctors in our  country  have been using  it for a long time .It is  anti  - emetic and anti - emetic .Antipyretic , fever phlegm , flatulence , respiratory  and cough suppressant  .When urination is stopped , its leaves are applied on the lower abdomen  and urination occurs . In the case of constipation in children , its leaves are smeared  with old ghee and inserted  into the anus  like  glycerin suppository . Renowned English physian Dr. Henry Tomas M.D. In 1856 , he wrote an aticle in a London newspaper expressing its merits . Dr. Thomas was a great  hunter . He came to hunt  in the  forests of Assam . One of his colleagues suddenly fell ill and started bleeding from his mouth with fever . The next day he just vomited  blood  . Dr  Thomas tried  desperately to alleviate  the suffering of his  colleagues with medicine , but to no avail. With this , constipation is manifested . Then he took refuse  in a doctor . 180 AD : American Doctor Hall Advised to take this  medicine in  American Pharmacopea. Dr.Boric Tuberculosis - Applying this medicine on the patient has got good results.

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