

Health benefits

Introduction :  

Horse odor is  1 to 5 feet high and  scattered around . The leaves are 2to 4 inches long and the ape is narrow . All the leaves have white  fine hairs  . The leaf stalks are half an inch long and the flower stalks are no more than a quarter of an inch long .  The flower petals come out of the body . The flowers are bisexual . Small in size , but quite soft and hairy . The flowers are green or yellow in color. The fruit is round like a pea. 





Use of different disease

1. Infertility disease:

Infertile women  after menopause  4 or 5 days after the menstrual period  is completely stopped and if you take  a bath on that day . It is called menstrual bath  at the end of bath  is 30 ml of horse odor . If one and a half spoonful of ghee is mixed  together  and fed  for a few days  and according  to the rules , the woman  becomes pregnant in a short time .

2 . Ricket   disease :

If it is cold after  boiling cow's milk . Or  one  cup  of half a teaspoon of ghee , if it is difficult to collect  these  two cup  one  cup of lukewarm water mixed with  1  gram of dried  horse odor . Regular feeding  for ten to  fifteen  days will cure rickets and weak children will be strong and healthy. making : 

If any man can not perfectly love making with his wife , he may take horse odor powder or capsule .Then he  can sex perfectly with his wife . 

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous February 3, 2022 at 11:21 AM

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