Holy Basil

Holi   Basil


It is also a herb plant , but fragrant . It is 1 or 2 feet in length .However , it can be seen  to 3 feet long in fertile soil and suitable environment.In some cases the stems are as hard as wood .However , all parts of the stem are covered with soft hairs . Most of the  branches of the tree  are simple and scattered around. The leaves are one to one and a  half inches long . The apex of the leaf is thick and the trunk is narrow. The edges of the leaves on  both sides are grooved like a saw . The hindquarters are very  soft and up to 6 inches long. The seeds are flattened, smooth and pale red in color .When the first  dew  of the country  starts to fall , it goes without saying  that the tree does not grow . Then the buds or flowers bloom. Within three weeks it  began to bear  fruit.More or less Krishnatulsi tees are found in almost all the districts of Bangladesh  , but Krishnatulsi trees grow very  much in the Terai region of the Himalayas  and on the border of Nepal .



Differentc names :

Bengali   - Tulsi , Krishnatulsi 

Urdu  - Tulsi 

Sanskrit  - Manjarika, Surdsa 

Tamil - lalsi 

Malay  - Tulsi   

Marathi  - Tulsi .

Use of it of  all disease:

Mucus : 

 Dry buds of Krishnatulsi  are mixed with two  teaspoons of sugar and one cup cow's milk and heated a little like tea . 

Malaria and Pala fever : 

15 leaves of Krishnatulsi  and 10 leaves of Shiuli are mixed together with a little water and its juice is mixed with two spoons of honey and taken twice  a day is beneficial in both  diseases.

Ringworm :

Half a teaspoon  of lentil juice  and 5 grams of sea salt powder  should be mixed well and both should be mixed and applied on the gums . Only if applied for a day , the ringworm wil

Worms :

Mix one  teaspoon of basil leaf juice and half a teaspoon of lemon juice and eat it. Small worms die .If you 

Cold in your chest : 

If  you   have a cold in your chest , mix 1 teaspoon of fresh basil juice , 3 teaspoons of ginger juice , half teaspoon of onion  juice and 1 teaspoon of honey once in the morning and the cold will go away. 

Wasp bites :

 Krishnatulsi  leaves are rubbed on the bite site . 

Mosquito  infestation: 

Mosquito infestation is greatly  reduced  if 3 to 4 krishnatulsi  trees are kept in the household.

holy basil

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